Category Archives: relationships

Convention for Convention

The hubster and I don’t actually have a lot of common interests. We find that it doesn’t matter so much. We might geek out over very different things but the sentiment is exactly the same.

For my birthday this past April, he took me to the Steel City Convention (to see Brent Spiner!) and found he enjoyed himself. This past weekend, I went with him to the motorcycle version of the same thing – Vintage Motorcycle Days in Ohio.

Both events have vendors selling childhood memories (star wars toys for me, big wheel dirt bikes for him). There are guest speakers, miles of tables of stuff to buy, and people. People Everywhere. Instead of a costume contest, there are races. Instead of cosplay there is racing gear and helmets.

I would have had a really fabulous time if I hadn’t, in true Sarah fashion, fallen on my butt over a dip in the pavement and taken some bark off my leg or if my shoes (which have always been good to wear for long walks) hadn’t decided to tear open my heels.

Even in all that motorcycle memorabilia and gear, I did manage to find something awesome and geeky for me. I just have to find a good spot to hang it up.

2014-07-12 21.33.41


I’m rather petrified by motorcycles. Most of the people we know have them, ride them, love them. Our friends always look at me strange when I tell them motorcycles scare the crap out of me. It’s something I’m working on though. I’d actually love to go to some of the bike gatherings (they are great story inspiration!) but it’d be kind of silly showing up in a truck just to hang out. Right?


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Filed under Convention, Fun, Geek, marriage, relationships