Monthly Archives: December 2020

End of Year Wrap Up

So, 2020 is just about done. I don’t much feel like celebrating, more like watching it leave from between my fingers, just in case it has something else up it’s sleeve. I’m pretty sure none of my goals for this year managed to get accomplished but that doesn’t mean this was a year without accomplishments. I did sort of start a business, after all. And I took a number of classes related to that. And I’m looking at more of them. Learning is fun!

I’m keeping my outlook lifted for 2021. There’s no sense in approaching a brand new year with doom and gloom. I might be being a little more cautious though. Would I like to get to do craft fairs and events again? Yes, yes I would but I’m also immunocompromised so I have to be cautious.

I had a couple of acceptances this year – though one project fell apart and I haven’t heard back on another one – I do have a serial coming… aliens and terraforming, a little bit of intrigue, and the opportunity to use a little bit of all the weird geological information that lives in my head.

I didn’t manage to win NaNoWriMo this year – there were too many things going on and nothing was cooperating. I’ll get back to the story though – it’s got some great potential. I am still working on my hedgewitch story’s rewrite. I am still working on finding the other books a good home. I did rerelease Guardian of the Gods and Hardwired Humanity so that they’re available again – HH has some new stories in it too.

Overall – instead of 2020 being a doing year, it was a learning year. In some ways, I learned more than I ever wanted to about humans and just how many out there lack empathy, common sense, and any sense of responsibility. I also learned that, while I am pretty much made for isolation as long as I have the internet, most people aren’t. I’ve always been a bit of an odd duck though. My house was very fortunate this year – there weren’t many upsets and only a few close calls. I know how lucky we are – so many others lost so much.

I am hoping to do more things outside my house in 2021 and I’m cautiously optimistic. I’m hoping to add new lines to my business (including perfumes!). I’m hoping to get another book written and one or two books sold to publishers. I’m hoping to see my youngest go back to in person school as we’ve done virtual this year. I’m not doing word count goals, weight goals, health goals or any of that. I don’t do resolutions. This year, I’m just going to hope I find new and interesting stories to tell, things to make, and things to learn.

I went in to 2020 with big plans. I’m going in to 2021 with big hope. Fortunately, hope isn’t something anyone can put in lockdown. So long as we can all just wear our masks and get our vaccines when we can and are advised to, we can move forward. I don’t think normal is a thing to aspire to at this point, we’ve all seen how broken normal is now.

I hope you have a bright, happy, and hopeful 2021 too.

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Filed under goals, Life, Publications