Monthly Archives: December 2015

Hello 2016!

Happy New Year!

I’m entering this year full of hope. Hopefully, I will get a lot done in this next year and hopefully, I can convince some of you dear readers that you want to read more of my words. I don’t do resolutions – they never work for me – but I do make myself goals. I don’t always make those goals but I like goals.

Goals for 2016:

  1. Finish editing Demonborne (and find it a publisher, even if it is a little odd)
  2. Read at least 12 good books (and then review them)
  3. Get off my tush and actually open my etsy shop.
  4. Learn how to properly take in a dress (even better if I get a chance to practice on my own dresses).

I do like goals but goals are things that I have control of (which is probably why I like them). I also have some hopes for myself and my family and you as well.

Hopes for 2016:

  1. I hope for a year without a panic attack. This year was pretty close for the first time in 15 years.
  2. I hope for good health for my family and your families.
  3. I hope everyone reads a book that changes the way you see the world or yourself.
  4. I hope for laughter for us all. Nothing is better than laughter on a dark night.

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2015 Wrap Up

I’m definitely glad to see the end of this year. These days between Christmas and New Years are pretty much always a time to reflect on the year. This year has not been my worst year ever, though some moments came close. This year has not been my best year ever, though some moments were pretty close. I’m ready to get off this roller coaster and on to the next one. Hopefully this next roller coaster has more ups than downs.

Amidst the ick, there was some really great. Hunter’s Crossing came out (if you read it, please review it). Eldercynne Rising was accepted and the first round of edits are turned in (I’ll let you know when it’s getting released but maybe it’ll be another Happy Birthday to me present). The Sha’daa books are still awesome (again, if you read them, please review them). My dad is still around and getting back to being his usual self. And I probably won’t be without an oven for too much longer. Old dog is also still around, going deaf, blind, and senile but here to be under my feet. So basically, most of my ick is fixable ick. That’s better than a lot of people can say about this year.

I am hopeful for 2016. I’m hoping I get to write all the things I want to write, see all the movies I want to see *ahem* Deadpool! *ahem*, make, bake, and cook all the things I want to make, bake, and cook. Maybe this will be the year I find something I’m good at that will help me contribute something more to the world than a handful of stories.


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Merry Christmas!

I love Christmas. It is my favorite day of the year. I’ve seen most of the Christmas movies (that aren’t Lifetime or Hallmark Movies as they make too many to keep up with). I know most of the Christmas carols. I love decorating – my village is fabulous and my house generally looks like christmas vomited all over it.

This year, I’ve really struggled to get into the spirit of things and it hasn’t helped that I can’t bake the cookies I like to bake or cook all of the things I like to cook. I couldn’t work with polymer clay for my Sarah or Mama-made presents. It has become abundantly clear how much I use my range and oven.  I did make some really neat stuff though that I’m really proud of. I should have taken a few pictures of them but I did not. I’ll show off what I made the oldest boy but the youngest boy’s present is more functional than fanciful.

Christmas and Halloween are the times of the year that I feel both closest to and furthest from my mother. I think she would have thoroughly enjoyed my children. I get sad that she isn’t around but I’m happy to remember her by doing the things we did or continuing the tradition of making stuff to give people. I think she would enjoy that I do that because I like to, not out of some sense of duty. It is really hard to find things to make for certain people (my husband and brother for instance), but sometimes I manage. Not this year but other years.

I’m struggling to sleep this evening because I want tomorrow to get here so I can see my kids go bananas over little things they didn’t know they wanted desperately. Then, on Saturday, we’ll get comfy and watch movies and play with all the toys. I’m so tired but I have too much to do tonight to go to bed just yet.

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas surrounded by people you love. I hope you make someone ridiculously happy and that someone does the same for you. If I could bake you all cookies I would. Instead, all I have to offer is my very sincere wish that your day is full of love, laughter, and hope (and Doctor Who). Merry Christmas.


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Advent Story!!

It’s December 1st. Christmas decorations are going up (not done yet though) and everything is starting to feel like the holiday season. For me, the season doesn’t really begin until December 1st and Val Griswold-Ford posts day one of her excellent yearly advent story. I get swept up into the story of Molly and Schrodinger and the Cove and a host of fabulous characters that I’ve come to thoroughly enjoy. I look forward to it.

If you like fantasy and Christmas and all things magical, Val’s story will surely please you. I’m pretty sure you can still read prior ones and I am hoping for the day I can buy paper volumes of them.

December 1 – Day one


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