Monthly Archives: January 2017

Perhaps Poetry

Alfred on Christmas Rug

Sleeping Dog at Christmas.

Hello to 2017! Given that this is my first post of the year (sorry about that!), I should probably get my first of the year stuffs out of the way…

I don’t really do resolutions so much. Goals, yes, but I find resolutions never really work out for me, at least not in the year that I make them.

Last year’s goals were pretty simple and the only one I managed to accomplish was to read 12 good books. I almost had a year without a panic attack. Almost. I had 3 little ones. However, I DID have an entire year without a super big, knock me down, push my head through the floor and pull my heart out of my throat panic attacks and that’s not nothing. I’m planning on doing better this year.




Writing Goals:

  1. Write Hunter’s Hell (Leilani and Blake #2)
  2. Find homes for Demonborne, The Soul Eater, and Purgatory’s Queen
  3. Rewrite The Long Way Home
  4.  Write 50 new poems
  5. Submit at least 5 things every month

Personal Goals:

  1. Lose 40 more pounds (I managed 50 last year. I can do another 40!)
  2. Have a year without any panic attack
  3. Keep up on housework better
  4. Learn a new skill.

I have been writing this year but so far, I’ve been writing nonfiction type stuff and poetry. I just find myself with snippets in my head that deserve paper and then these snippets decide they need to be real poems and not just pretty lines I keep in my journal to never see again. My fiction is there and I do need to get back to it but there’s something in the air for me so far this year that speaks in images and rhyming couplets and words that speak like they’ve always been meant to be in that order. This year is simple, purple, and in need of beauty. At least that’s how it feels for me.

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Filed under goals, Life