Monthly Archives: October 2016

Why I NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo approaches! For those who don’t know, it’s that time of year when a bunch of writers decide to write 50,000 words in a month. It is good for getting that zero draft down without stopping to fix things or over think things. I like it – I work better with a deadline and the accountability that having so many people working towards the same goal brings. It must work out all right for me as I’ve been successful 7 times, 3 of those successes are now available, 2 of them are about ready to find homes, and one still needs work. That last one, I don’t know yet what to do with it as it’s not what I want it to be but it isn’t a priority for me either.

I am not a plotter, I don’t do much in the way of prep work. I have a working title and the briefest idea of my heroine and that’s pretty much it. I have tried working with outlines, detailed backgrounds, and the like and it just saps all the magic right out of the process. I like to sit down, open a shiny new file and see what happens. More than once I’ve had to start over part way through the month but, as I can usually hammer out 50k in 20 days, I’m ok with that.

Technically, I should probably use this time to write one of the sequels – Hunter’s Crossing or Eldercynne Rising, but I have this other thing, this title in my head that has nothing to do with either of those stories and I am very curious to see where it goes.

I’ll probably update every few days in NovemberĀ if you want to follow along. If you’re writing along, you can find me on the site as Shade53 (I know, imagine that).

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